Asked by Ankit Agrawal | 30th of March 2020
career counselling career guidanceFirst we need to understand What is Counseling? Counselling means help a person by providing guidance, moral support, and exploring solutions for the problems being faced."Counselling” is usually associated with a professional helping out an individual in need.This professional is a person you can reach out to in times of uncertainty, and who makes sure that your identity and problems remain confidential.
Career counseling is the only reliable way to understand your career choices to make a career in the field you are passionate about.Career counseling helps
students to find their right career path by examining their core competencies. Deciding a right career path by our own is a barrier in everyone life. Many a time, career suggestions from others take the place of an individual’s real interest.There are so many career opportunities that students might get puzzled often end up taking irrelevant courses and then suffer in an uninteresting job. Career counselling, therefore, is an important aspect to consider before making a career decision. It is a key component in today’s education sector that promises to deliver the best results in terms of education.I being a Professional Career Counselor will say finding and talking to a career counsellor can be the best decision of your life.
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Career Counsellors are trained to understand human behaviour as well as gauge an individual s aptitude, personality, career interests to name a few through a plethora of psychometric assessments. Given the thorough training that the experts have been through, a Career Counsellor understands that an individual s background and context needs to be taken into account before interpreting the outcomes of a report. Suggestions and recommendations are offered keeping the realities of the individual seeking career counselling as well as the outside world in mind.
Career counselling is one field which requires expertise and updated information. Only an expert in career counselling can well understand the needs of an individual. As career counselling is based on suitability and adaptibility. Each individual has its own identity, skills and abilities. Career counselling is a systematic process which only an expert in field can carry out. An expert in career counselling will understand individual personality, career interests and his aptitude. Unbiased advice is another important factor in career counsellor which again is understood by an expert only. An expert will determine individual values, identify his skills, will research on career options, will make you aware how to achieve it and live your dream successfully.
Ther question that each one of us faces after important milestones in education is What next after class 10th, class 12th and even after Graduation.
Career Counselling is a common and popular term in today’s world. Career Counselling means guiding a person to make the right decision in choosing a career. Also, it is a professional term. It is based on the judgement and analysis of a few factors. These are a person’s personality, behaviour, and interests. So, a qualified career counsellor first studies a person thoroughly. Then he or she suggests the best options for him or her. Besides, there might be some psychometric tests involved. These tests help a career counsellor to understand the person’s personality.
You need an expert to understand all the above important points. So we all should go take our career counselling to get the best out of it. It is like when we get ill, we visit the doctor for advice same way career decision are to be taken with thorough understanding.
Because it is a Time of Specialisation, if we talk about Health Sector there are Specialists in Bone, Heart, Eyes & Ears...and Child Specialists, Gynecologist, MD in Medicines, MS in Surgery. That is Why Qualified, Certified, dedicated & Professionals Creer Counseling is Needed.
Nitin Lahore