Psychometric Career Assessments

Career Analysis for 2nd to 7th class

It will help you to find out Multiple Intelligence of the Student

Career Analysis for 8th, 9th & 10th Class

It will help you to find out most suitable career path and subjects

Career Analysis for 11th & 12th Class

It will help you to find out most suitable career path and career road map with detailed execution plan

Engineering Assessment

It will help you to select most suitable engineering branch before engineering college admission.

Career Analysis for Graduates

It will help you to find out Most Suitable Career path and Career Road map with detailed execution plan

Career Analysis for Professionals

Early and Mid career counselling for professionals with detailed execution plan

Emotional Quotient

Emotional Quotient Analysis for Professionals

Personality + Interest + EQ Assessment

Personality+Interest+EQ assessment

About Us

Imagine a half-filled glass with water. Now some may call the glass as half-empty and may view and treat it in the same light. On the other hand, some may even see the glass as half-full and think of it in this light. Every individual has a unique way of perceiving things. What matters is how every unique personality is taken care of. At Ignite, We dont stereotype personalities. We believe in and work towards strengthening the strengths and focus to fill the gap weaknesses create. One view is never the correct view, and with this in mind, we work to get a 360-degree view of your personality, future, and the choices that resonate closely with you. YOU are our focus and thus we can help you craft your Career. We create Empowerment in the individual by invoking consciousness about the personality, career interest value and thus empower the individuals. We focus on co-relating personal aspirations and ambitions with the educational and job types available.
Our only motto is to help you Seek your Light! 


Our Services

  • Career Awareness and orientation program
  • Career mapping & guidance
  • Career counselling and coaching
  • Employability skills training
  • Soft Skills training
  • Educational consultancy and counselling
  • Resume/profile building

About The Counsellor

Mansi Bafna

I am a career counsellor and coach. I help students and professionals "seek their light". I hold a post graduate degree in accountancy and I have been teaching accounts and finance to undergraduates since a decade. I have been associated with various reputed colleges in and around Mumbai city. I am dedicated to helping students and professionals deal with the struggles to seek their light.

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